Our Doctors
Experienced physicians with a shared philosophy and passion for maternity care.
We are recruiting!
Work with our wonderful physician team in an amazing community hospital with supportive staff!
Family physicians interested in maternity work, locuming, or mentorship (MC4BC program):
Please contact [email protected]
Family residents interested in elective rotations and learning opportunities:
Please contact: [email protected]

Dr. Jason Kason
Dr. Kason (he/him) was born and raised in Richmond. He completed his medical school and Family Practice residency at UBC.
He knew early on that maternity care would be a large part of his career and he has continued to enjoy it immensely. He is a Family Physician in Ladner.
When not working, Dr. Kason can be found either on the soccer pitch, on the ski hill, on the water or traveling with his family.

Dr. Stephanie Balog
Dr. Balog (she/her) moved out West after completing her medical degree at Western University in London, Ontario in 2010.
Her first rotation as a family medicine resident was in Obstetrics. She loved it so much that she tailored the rest of her medical training and career to incorporate maternity and newborn care.
When not at work, Dr. Balog can be found in the outdoors with her family of 2 young children or commuting around on her bicycle. She also enjoys playing competitive fastpitch softball and participates in triathlons, and downhill skiing.

Dr. Kim Cottick
Dr. Cottick (she/her) has been working with the Noakes Maternity Group since 2013. As a mom herself, she loves working with women during their pregnancies and watching their families grow.
Outside of maternity work she has an interest in working with marginalized populations including those with mental health issues and substance use disorders. She also loves travelling and exploring beautiful B.C through hiking, camping and skiing.

Dr. Josephine Lee
Dr. Lee (she/her) completed her medical degree at UBC. She completed her family medicine residency and additional training in low-risk obstetrics at the University of Toronto.
She now practices full-service family medicine and maternity care in Richmond. She is very happy to be part of the Noakes Maternity Clinic since 2017, and she looks forward to being a part of your pregnancy journey!

Dr. Laurie LeBel
Dr. LeBel (she/her) graduated medical school from UBC and completed her family medicine residency at UBC as well.
She enjoys providing maternity care as part of her full service family practice. Dr. LeBel’s favourite times are those spent with her family and friends.

Dr. Jane Donaldson
Dr. Donaldson (she/her) graduated from UBC Medical School in 1989 and has been delivering babies in the Lower Mainland since 1994, at Richmond Hospital since 1997.
She loves this work, feels privileged to be involved in your pregnancy journey and is grateful to be part of such a fine team.
When not working she likes to be physically active, explore beautiful British Columbia, read books, and especially spend time with her family and friends.

Dr. Keri Ruthe
Dr. Ruthe (she/her) completed her CCFP at the University of British Columbia in 2012 and has been a part of the maternity team at Richmond Hospital since her early rotations as a medical student.
Dr. Ruthe opened her family practice office in Steveston in 2013. In addition to her private practice and involvement in the Noakes Maternity Clinic, Dr. Ruthe is on the Board of Directors for the Richmond Hospital Medical Staff Association and Richmond Hospital Physician Society. She is a strong advocate for patients and works to address individualized needs with a patient centered approach.

Dr. Sari Raber
Dr. Raber (she/her) grew up in Richmond and graduated medical school and residency at UBC. She fell in love with maternity care during her residency program in the Indigenous Family Practice Program and while working with the Medical Team and Elders at Sheway in the DTES neighbourhood.
She also enjoys spending time in nature, moving her body in healthy ways and wearing bright coloured socks.

Dr. Nilo Abdo
Dr. Abdo (she/her) grew up and completed her MD and Family Medicine residency in Calgary. She received additional maternity care training at the University of Toronto and is now excited to join the Noakes Maternity team in Richmond!

Dr. Amy Chen
Dr. Chen (she/her) completed her medical degree at Queen’s University and during her residency at the University of Toronto realized the joy of being a part of maternity care.
She is excited to be a member of the amazing Noakes team at Richmond Hospital.
When not working, she enjoys puzzles and board games. She is so happy to now live so close to the ocean and mountains where she can enjoy hikes, picnics and boat rides with her family.

Dr. James Kong
Dr. Kong (he/him) completed his medical school and residency in Manitoba. He found his passion in maternity care early on in his training and has made it a part of his practice in Richmond. He is excited to join the awesome team at Noakes Maternity.
When not working, he enjoys fishing, hiking and cooking for his family.

Dr. Xin Wang
Dr. Xin Wang (he/him) graduated from McGill Medical School. He did his residency training at UBC and has been practicing full service family medicine and obstetrics for more than 25 years.

If you are a doctor looking to refer a patient to our clinic, please fill in our referral form and fax it to our clinic along with any available prenatal bloodwork or ultrasound reports.
© 2021 Noakes Maternity | Website by: Brent Sawkins